Reshmi already had CrossFit experience when she walked in our doors, but she’s always been humble and open to learning in our small group workouts. She’s always seeking advice and feedback on her form – Reshmi is a great role model for both rookies and experienced CrossFitters! As an avid cook (follow her on Instagram @life_in_a_curry) and mother of two busy boys, Reshmi realizes the importance of being fit for life. Congratulations on being our August Member of the Month, Reshmi!
Reshmi Nair
Environmental Consultant
When did you start CF?
Kanna- Jan 2018
What are your favorite numbers and why?
1: My birthday, and generally like no.1,signifies fresh start; 7: My older son’s birthday and our marriage anniversary; 24: Younger son’s birthday
What CF movements do you like?
Squats, cleans, deadlifts, kettlebell swings, box jumps (my knees don’t support as well as I would like to, but there’s something exhilarating about being able to jump high and land on top on the box!)
What CF movements do you dislike?
Run, row, lunges (bad knee), burpees, bike
What sports or fitness things did you do before CF?
Nothing much at all as an adult. Never been an athletic or sports person. Was generally active-walked a lot, hiked, outdoor activities, have had gym memberships- did the usual elliptical, machine weights, spinning etc. As a kid was good at sprints, and learnt Indian classical dance for over 7 years. Age + pregnancies + sedentary work-life threw a wrench into my plans to stay lean and fit for life! It was only after my second child that I realized that I couldn’t rely on good metabolism alone to stay fit.
How did you find CF? What was your first workout?
I was looking for a CrossFit gym after moving to Ambler. I was a member at the IronCross Athletics in Phoenixville for almost 2 years before moving, and wanted to continue with CrossFit. After looking up Kanna stalked the IG account for a few months! Then I met Chris and Lam at the Pike Fest booth, and eventually went to the box and signed up after a basecamp session. Don’t exactly remember the first workout, but I think it involved squats.
What’s your favorite thing about CF?
Variety in workouts, scalability (of workouts), community/group classes, and well trained coaches who develop the day’s workout for you and guide you through the movements and form. I have never been an athletic or sports oriented person. And was terrible at working out by myself, I would find reasons to not go despite having a gym membership! With CF, I am accountable because I have signed up for a spot and look forward to working out with amazing people! The comradery is unlike any other place. I just need to show up and give my best. The workout is planned out and explained by the coaches. I don’t need to do any thinking or analyzing. And most workouts or movements are scalable to my skill level or abilities. I know I will always get a good workout, no matter the WOD.
What are your hobbies?
Reading (although can’t say I have read as much since the kids. Trying to get back to it); cooking/recipe development; people watching; being outdoors with the boys.
What’s something most people don’t know about you?
I grew up on a small group of islands off the coast of peninsular India (Andaman Islands), one that many haven’t heard of or know a lot about. I lived there for 18 years before moving to mainland India for college.
What PRs or accomplishments are you most proud of?
I am really proud of how far I have come in this fitness journey. My fitness goals have always been to lose weight and ‘get back in shape’. I was one of those people who thought I needed to lose weight and be a certain body type/shape to join CrossFit! It was only after I started CF that I realized my goal should be strength and fitness- weight loss and getting back in shape will be by-products of being fit and strong. I haven’t stepped on a scale in the longest time. But I feel stronger, fitter, I am able to do physical things without losing my breath. I look forward to that one hour at Kanna, even when I am exhausted at the end of a long workday. I may be beat by the end of the workout, but that sense of accomplishment at the end is unparalleled! What I have gained from CF also goes beyond fitness. I have seen a mental shift in my approach to self-worth. I am learning to focus on what I CAN do, versus what I CANNOT. I am learning to appreciate my abilities, while improving and working on my weaknesses. I almost remember the exact time/instance this change in attitude came about. At the beginning of last year (when I had just started at Kanna), my husband had taken a photo of me working out from the Kanna IG page and shared it on his FB/IG page saying how proud he was of me. I was a little disappointed when I saw the photo. All I could see in that photo was my belly rolls and double chin!! And then the messages and comments started pouring in. That is when I realized that perhaps no one except me was looking at or cared about the rolls or my multiple chins. They were in awe of how strong I was and how heavy the barbell was that I was lifting. That heavy barbell which should’ve been the most important thing in that photo was what I completely missed! I was focusing on all the wrong things, when I should’ve been proud of my strength. I may still not be there completely, but it is a work in progress, and I keep reminding myself ‘ I am stronger than I think’.
What’s on your CF bucket list?
Strict pulls ups, toes to bar, chest to bar, push-ups….with ultimate bucket list movement being the rope climb!
What’s on your general bucket list?
Travel the world; write a cookbook; do something more substantial with my love for cooking (maybe a café!), run long distance without dying (and eventually maybe run a marathon); retire on an island, with a house on a hilltop with views of the sea.
What advice do you have for new (or experienced!) CrossFitters?
It is okay to be intimidated about CF at first, but do not give up without trying! It may not easy, but nothing good ever is.
Anything else you’d like to mention?
A huge thanks to the awesome team of coaches at Kanna! Thank you for constantly motivating, pushing to do better, and reminding me that I am indeed stronger than I think!
***Kanna members: Reshmi’s custom workout will be TBD***
How does one become Member of the Month? By embodying the values of CrossFit Kanna: Learning, Working Hard, and Having Fun. By contributing to the community and supporting others in and out of the workout. By being open to coaching and improving oneself for the sake of being better, not to “win” the workout. By just generally being a good person and having a positive attitude. And a lot more, but you get the idea!