Chrissy joined Kanna right before she got married and besides a break for the wedding and honeymoon, has dived headfirst into CrossFit. We want to recognize Chrissy as member of the month because of this dedication, but also for some notable achievements such as: deadlifting 200+ lbs, getting her first double-unders and getting better at them, and most of all, conquering her fear of box jumps and graduating from jumping on plates to the box. Chrissy also took it upon herself to organize a group outing to Sur la Table for a cooking class. This earned her the title of Social Chair, (even though it was self-appointed.) You can tell she takes this title seriously from her cover photo from dressing up as Elf on the Shelf for our Halloween WOD. Fun fact: Ryan Gosling loves girls who dress up as elves. Congratulations Chrissy, enjoy your month!
Chrissy L.
Elementary school teacher
When did you start CF?
I went through base camp at Kanna this past June and started classes in June too!
What are your favorite numbers and why?
7, 8 and 22 – My birthday and wedding anniversary!
What CF movements do you like?
1RM deadlifts for sure, power cleans, sit-ups, kettle bell swings, 200m/400m runs and I hate to admit this but I like EMOM of 5 burpees (because it’s a small amount and I can move quickly and get them over with!). I also like timecaps!
What CF movements do you dislike?
I hate thrusters, overhead squats and wall balls.
What sports or fitness things did you do before CF?
I played field hockey and lacrosse back in my high school days. In college I started running. As an adult I’ve done lots and lots of running. Over the years I have run Broad Street seven times, eight half marathons and one marathon.
How did you find CF? What was your first workout?
My sister, mom and brother-in-law kept talking about their workouts at Kanna, so eventually decided to come see what it was about! My first workout was on June 27. The metcon was muscle ups, an 800m run and deadlifts. (Thanks Triib for that info, my memory is terrible.)
What’s your favorite thing about CF? (either CF in general or about Kanna or both)
I like the workouts because we practice the same movements just in many different forms. Any movement can be scaled, which means anyone can do it! I enjoy that most workouts are rarely the same. I’m always amazed at how I get better at different movements and skills without focusing on the same movement every day. I love coming to Kanna because of the people! I don’t think anyone could come to Kanna and not enjoy themselves. We like to have fun and joke around but we get the workout done too!
What are your hobbies?
I like cooking, baking, spending time with my family, taking pictures of my dog any time he’s doing something cute (which is a lot of the time), seeing my nephew whenever possible and enjoying the first year of marriage with my husband!
What’s something most people don’t know about you?
I can’t ride a bike! (Hopefully Kanna doesn’t add biking into any workouts anytime soon)
What PRs or accomplishments are you most proud of? (e.g. PR on a deadlift, getting a muscle-up, participation in the Open, etc)
I was happy when I could do box jumps without hesitation. I was also excited when I hit 200lb for deadlifting, triple digits for back squatting and getting some double-unders.
What’s on your CF bucket list?
Definitely to do a competition!
What’s on your general bucket list?
Travel to Europe with my family.
What advice do you have for new (or experienced!) CrossFitters?
I think if CrossFit is something completely new to you, walking through the door is the hardest part. Once you get into a class you’ll find out that you can do any workout in a way that’s challenging to you. If you’re thinking about trying CrossFit then get through the door. You won’t be disappointed!
***Chrissy’s custom WOD will be done on Saturday, December 16th***
“12 Days of Chrissymas”
1 power clean, 135/95#
2 burpees
3 goblet squats, 53/35#
4 hand release push-ups
5 deadlifts, 135/95#
6 wall balls, 20/14#
7 kettlebell swings, 53/35#
8 air squats
9 sumo deadlift high pulls, 53/35#
10 mountain climbers
11 sit-ups
12 weighted lunges, 53/35#
Do the workout in the same fashion as singing the song. 1 power clean, then 2 burpees and 1 power clean. Then 3 goblet squats, 2 burpees, and 1 power clean. etc. until 12, 11, 10…3, 2, 1. Partners are optional with one person working at a time.
How does one become Member of the Month? By embodying the mission of CrossFit Kanna of Learning, Working Hard, and Having Fun. By contributing to the community and supporting others in and out of the workout. By being open to coaching and improving oneself for the sake of being better, not to “win” the workout. And so much more.