We first got in touch with Kelly to establish a relationship with the local Boys and Girls Club so we could have a bigger purpose besides just working out. Little did we know how integral Kelly and her family would be in establishing our small community. Kelly is always looking for a challenge, but keeps it fun with puns and inspiring words on her whiteboard for each workout. Managing her job as a director of a non-profit and also being mom to “Baby Connor” who we have seen grown up in the box (literally) has not been easy, but Kelly does it all with a smile. We’re proud to introduce her as February’s Member of the Month – read more about her below!
Kelly Curtis
Director of Wissahickon Valley Boys & Girls Club
When did you start CF?
What are your favorite numbers and why?
1 (College FH number) 19 (Connor’s birthday) 7 (My birthday month)
What CF movements do you like?
I like a lot of CF movements! Deadlifts, Clean & Jerks, Squat Cleans, push ups, box jumps, and running.
What CF movements do you dislike?
I wouldn’t stay I dislike anything, but I am working on being more comfortable with Overhead Squats, Thrusters and Snatches. I do have a love/hate relationship with the Air Bike (it tends to lean more towards hate).
What sports or fitness things did you do before CF?
Growing up I played field hockey and lacrosse. I played Division III field hockey at York College of PA – those were some of my favorite years! After college, I dabbled in long distance running and completed a handful of half marathons and one full marathon with my favorite running buddy and sister, Chrissy.
How did you find CF? What was your first workout?
My husband, Matt, found Kanna one night while he was looking for CrossFit gyms in the area. The very next day, I had an email from Chris asking to learn more about the Boys & Girls Club for Kanna’s grand opening event. I took a screenshot of the email and sent it to Matt – it was a funny coincidence that turned out to be the start of an exciting journey for the both of us. He joined first and convinced me to do the same within the next few weeks.
What’s your favorite thing about CF?
My absolute favorite thing about CrossFit Kanna is the community. I firmly believe I have the privilege of working out alongside the most caring, genuine and supportive people I have ever met. The amount of support the Kanna family has shown the WV Boys & Girls Club is simply amazing. I have also loved watching my son grow up around the gym. He started out as a baby in stroller and now he sits on the couch while I work out (with his snacks and electronics). I catch him watching class and mimicking things at home!
What are your hobbies?
Being a mom to a toddler and three dogs takes up a lot of my time these days but I do enjoy reading and crafting!
What’s something most people don’t know about you?
I strongly dislike going upside down – a handstand push up is definitely not on my CF bucket list!
What PRs or accomplishments are you most proud of?
While working on my strict pull up, I have been getting better at doing standard push ups! I am also proud of deadlifting 225# and look forward to adding a bit more onto that number. I also competed in one competition so far with Matt.
What’s on your CF bucket list?
A strict pull up and a 1RM 250# deadlift
What’s on your general bucket list?
I would love to travel more and also have more dogs – or at least help foster dogs! I also hope to help open a permanent location for the Wissahickon Valley Boys & Girls Club one day.
What advice do you have for new (or experienced!) CrossFitters?
Give it a try! I was hesitant at first and had a million excuses why CrossFit wasn’t for me. Now I cannot imagine what I would do without it – my hour at the gym is always what I need to tackle a busy day.
Anything else you’d like to mention?
Just that CrossFit Kanna is the best 🙂
***Kanna members: Kelly’s custom workout date TBD***
How does one become Member of the Month? By embodying the mission of CrossFit Kanna of Learning, Working Hard, and Having Fun. By contributing to the community and supporting others in and out of the workout. By being open to coaching and improving oneself for the sake of being better, not to “win” the workout. By just generally being a good person and having a positive attitude. And a lot more, but you get the idea!