Jill has believed in us since we first opened and brings a great attitude to the box. Your presence in our afternoon classes is always appreciated and her work ethic doesn’t go unnoticed. Jill works out with other members who could be her kids (in fact, she often works out with her own teenage sons!), but she gives them a run for their money when it comes to the workout! Jill is always open to learning and knows that fitness is a life-long journey. Congratulations, Jill, and thank you for being a great representative of CrossFit Kanna!
Jill Moynahan
Pediatric Occupational Therapist
When did you start CF?
December 2013
What are your favorite numbers and why?
3 and 7 Three is the day of the month that I was born and 7 for no real reason
What CF movements do you like?
Deadlifts, sit ups, kettle bell swings, rowing, toes to bar ( because I can actually do more than one which means I think I can do 3 in a row : ) , gymnasticy moves
What CF movements do you dislike?
burpees, thrusters, overhead squats and snatches
What sports or fitness things did you do before CF?
In high school I played basketball and was on the track team for part of one season. I liked playing basketball and the family feel that came with being part of the team. Track was more about being singled out for one event and that part coupled with fact that my event was running the 400 made it not fun. I was also a cheerleader although I would not consider that a sport at the level that I participated. I don’t think I ever broke a sweat from doing a cheer, but I did have to use some muscles to lift up some of the other cheerleaders for some of the pyramids : ) After college, I took step/aerobics classes, yoga classes and followed “couch to 5K” programs/apps. For a brief time I tried swimming even though I am not the best swimmer. I had been a member of local gyms and would go for a couple of months but then lose interest because I never saw any real results. I have always tried to at least walk a couple of miles a few days a week and could do that activity with friends on a relatively consistent basis.
How did you find CF? What was your first workout?
It actually started in the mid 2000’s with my husband showing me YouTube videos of these crazy workouts people were doing in industrial garages in California. He eventually starting doing it and convinced me to go to a base camp with him in July 2013. I didn’t think that someone could hurt so much( for at least 5 days) after just using a pvc pipe and 15 lb. bar. Shortly after that experience, one of my best friends starting doing it after her husband convinced her to try it. It took 6 months of her asking to join her before I tried it again. She was the only reason I went for about the first 6 months because I had to psyche myself up to endure the pain that I knew would come after each workout. I literally would think about what I had to get done that week knowing that the pain might make it hard to do certain activities. My first workout that I can remember is the 12 days of Christmas. Yes, I did start crossfit in December. Many people make fitness a new years resolution but I decided that would not make a difference for me and I just had to try it and get on with it. I don’t remember much about the workout, other than watching the more experienced cross fitters and thinking I won’t ever be doing even half of what they are doing!
What’s your favorite thing about CF? (either CF in general or about Kanna or both)
The people in the classes are my favorite part. We are all at different levels and stages of life and I always learn something new. I might learn some new CF fact, better form tip, or it might be something about life outside of CF ( job, family, etc). Knowing that the coaches and other members are fun people to hang out motivates me to go ( and will also notice if I am not there). What I really like about Kanna is the coaching. They are always positive with each member and helping each one get a workout tuned to their abilities/needs. I enjoy seeing how Chris organizes equipment and makes general improvements at the gym on an ongoing basis as well as keeping it clean and neat.
What are your hobbies?
I enjoy reading (especially biographies) and gardening. I also I also like being outside in nature and exploring state parks and hope to see more of our national parks in the west. I also like watching football games ( professional and some college) and March madness basketball games. I admit to binge watching TV series through netflix or amazon ( but on only on cold or rainy days: )
What’s something most people don’t know about you?
My high school basketball team made it to the state quarter finals and we got to play in the Hershey Arena. I thought it was so cool that I got ride on a tour bus instead of a school bus to go to the game from my home town about 2 hours away. We also were taken out to eat at Bonanza prior to the leaving for the game. I remember very little about the game itself which was typical for me. It was about hanging out with my friends more than playing the game of basketball. It felt like I was in the big leagues for a brief moment in time.
What PRs or accomplishments are you most proud of? (e.g. PR on a deadlift, getting a muscle-up, participation in the Open, etc)
PR Deadlift, getting one strict pull-up
What’s on your CF bucket list?
pull-ups and figuring out how to do kipping pull-ups and back to back double unders
What’s on your general bucket list?
Travel – See the aurora borealis, visit Colorado and more of the western US as well as Vancouver Canada ; experience great food by eating at one new restaurant a month in Philly ( from the top 50 best restaurants in Phila list); lessen the clutter in my life ( both physical and mental stuff); spend time with family and friends;
What advice do you have for new (or experienced!) CrossFitters?
Try it and know that every move can be modified for your level of fitness/strength. Also know that it might cost more dollars than you have ever spent on fitness, but you will feel so much better both physically and mentally that it is worth every penny. I have spent less per month to join other gyms but I never went on a consistent basis to have any benefit and thus it was a waste of money. Yes, you will be in pain ( significant at times), but the pain does lessen as you become stronger and more fit. You will sleep better and it also is a true stress reducer. I have had my fair share of stress and those are the days that I make sure to go. I know I will be in a better mood after the workout.
Anything else you’d like to mention?
One final comment…another benefit that has come of going Crossfit Kanna is that my husband and two sons work out there as well. We don’t all go at the same time but just knowing that we are all doing something that makes us all stronger both mentally and physically is something I am truly thankful for. I have great memories of working out with my husband and each of our sons and this benefit is one that I would have never imagined even 1 year ago.
***Kanna members: Stay tuned for Jill’s custom WOD date!***
How does one become Member of the Month? By embodying the mission of CrossFit Kanna of Learning, Working Hard, and Having Fun. By contributing to the community and supporting others in and out of the workout. By being open to coaching and improving oneself for the sake of being better, not to “win” the workout. And so much more.