Lisa came into CrossFit having tried every exercise routine in the book that she could start a Zagat’s of gyms in the area! She started right when we were in the middle of the CrossFit Open and hasn’t looked back. Now that she’s here, class is always a good time with her dancing and singing along to the music, especially rap and hip-hop. Lisa makes everyone feel super welcome and works really hard in each workout whether it plays to her strengths or not. We’re excited to say that Lisa G. is our September Member of the Month – congratulations!
Lisa Goldoor
Registered Nurse
When did you start CF?
I tried it for the first time in 2013 for a few months, but didn’t stick with it for various reasons. Started at Kanna in March of this year.
What are your favorite numbers and why?
26 because it’s my birthday & Chase Utley’s number
What CF movements do you like?
Most of them! pull ups (if i can do them banded!), kettle bells, cleans, deadlifts, DB snatches, burpees, double unders (even though I can’t do them well), rowing and biking
What CF movements do you dislike?
thrusters, wall balls, front/back/OH squats -anything squatting, running
What sports or fitness things did you do before CF?
Orange Theory, tennis, running, cycling, spinning, barre, bootcamp classes, hot yoga, triathlons….
How did you find CF? What was your first workout?
Deb Runkel 🙂 We used to work out at the same gym (Fast Twitch), and then she moved to Crossfit so I gave it a try….and then followed her again to Kanna! I don’t remember my first ever CrossFit workout but my first at Kanna was during the 2018 Open and it was 18.1 – 8 toes to bar, 10 dumbbell hang clean and jerks, and 12 cal row. Deb was my counter (how apropos) and yelled at me a lot. There was a lot of cheering and yelling and I was totally intimidated and hooked at the same time.
What’s your favorite thing about CF?
Being both nervous and exhilarated at the same time
What are your hobbies?
Tennis, mahjong, CrossFit
What’s something most people don’t know about you?
I had a brief stint as a model when I was little and was in a Strawbridge & Clothier newspaper ad (I’ll have to dig it up).
What PRs or accomplishments are you most proud of?
Hmmm….still too new to think I’ve accomplished much other than just showing up (even when my work schedule has made it harder).
What’s on your CF bucket list?
Stringing double unders (more than 2)!
What’s on your general bucket list?
Going to all 4 tennis majors – Australian, French, Wimbledon, US Open, and going to every major league ballpark.
What advice do you have for new (or experienced!) CrossFitters?
Just show up and keep moving.
***Kanna members: Lisa’s custom workout will be Sunday 9/16!***
How does one become Member of the Month? By embodying the mission of CrossFit Kanna of Learning, Working Hard, and Having Fun. By contributing to the community and supporting others in and out of the workout. By being open to coaching and improving oneself for the sake of being better, not to “win” the workout. By just generally being a good person and having a positive attitude. And a lot more, but you get the idea!