February 2025 Members of the Month: Mike and Rizza

Mike and Rizza joined in April 2023 and since then have pretty much been inseparable – almost every one of their 200+ workouts have been together at the same class. Obviously, the Kanna staff couldn’t think of a better couple to represent us going into February! These two really embody our values of Learning, Working Hard, and Having Fun. Congratulations on being our Members of the Month – read more about them below!


Mike & Rizza Beckert


M: Principal Data Scientist

R: Healthcare Billing/Revenue Cycle Specialist

When did you start at Kanna?

April 2023 – but we immediately took a month off after base camp, so feels like June

What are your favorite numbers and why?

M: 23, that was my number when I played Soccer, and 1337, the gamers will understand

R: 14, because it is my birthday

What movements do you like?

M: Things requiring coordination like Jump Rope, Rope Climb, and Hanging movements like Toes-to-Bar and Kipping Pull Ups

R: Box Jumps, Rowing, Dead Lifts, Squats

What movements do you dislike?

M: Thrusters and Wall Balls, also dread the air bike

R: Push Ups, Anything to Overhead, Wall Balls, Turkish Getups

What sports or fitness things did you do before Kanna?

M: Martial Arts was my main form of exercise for a long time. I am a 2nd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do and have experimented with Capoeira and Hapkido, but I have stopped practicing for quite some time now. In grad school I also tried to do P90X several times but always ended up hurting my shoulder, so never completed it. Emphasizing that I really needed a coach for these sorts of things.

R: Yoga and dance workouts like Zumba. I also used to go “regular” gyms with friends.

How did you find Kanna? How did you feel when you first walked in?

We were looking for some physical activity to do together, such as studying a new martial art or workout routine. Rizza came across Kanna online. We decided to give it a shot.

M: There were two classes going on when we first came in, so it felt like a lot. Plus I didn’t really know what was involved with Crossfit, so there was some uncertainty and intimidation. However, everyone that we met were extremely welcoming and seemed to all be having a great time, so the nerves disappeared quickly.

R: Simultaneously nervous and excited because it was a new thing for me.

What’s your “why” for working out? 

M: After graduate school, I began to live a very sedentary lifestyle. I stopped exercising and sat at my desk for my work and downtime. The pandemic only made this worse. I noticed that I was gaining a little weight and started having other health related issues crop up. Working out is now an established part of my life again and is a part of a broader objective to life a healthy lifestyle. It helps physically and mentally.

R: Working out provides more than physical benefits for me. It helps with my emotional energy, mental health, and balance in my week. I also enjoy the satisfaction of a hard work out, realizing I can do tough things.

What’s your favorite thing about Kanna?

M: Challenging myself with each workout. Kanna provides a safe space where everyone can push to their own limits without judgment.

R: The work outs are planned in advance. It makes it so easy to just go and work hard. No need to plan the movements or think about what to work on.

What are your hobbies?

M: Video Games and Playing music (Guitar and Bass)

R: Photography and Embroidery Both: Biking (exploring local trails), Traveling, Trying new food, and spending time with our dog, Lilly

What’s something most people don’t know about you or a fun fact?

M: I used to work with Barn Owls.

R: I used to volunteer at an animal shelter walking dogs. That is where we found our dog Lilly.

What PRs or accomplishments (fitness-related) are you most proud of?

M: I have been able to do kipping pullups consistently during work outs, not needing to scale down half way through like I used to. Also, thanks to Coach Meg I am able to do a rope climb in about 2-3 pulls, when it used to take me 4 or 5.

R: I have graduated to burpees whenever they come up in work outs. Never thought I’d get there!

What’s on your fitness bucket list?

M: Muscle Up

R: Do a strict Pull Up

What’s on your general bucket list?

M: Very recently crossed off seeing the Northern Lights. Next I would love to visit Japan.

R: Visit Japan, for the food and to see Mt. Fuji.

What advice do you have for people new to Kanna?

M: You can modify every movement to match your fitness level or physical limitations. I have a wrist injury that prevents me from doing several movements, but the coaches have worked with him to find good alternatives for every workout so I am still working hard and not feeling like I am missing out on anything.

R: No matter how you feel before a workout, if you show up and work hard, you’ll feel great on the other side.

Anything else you’d like to mention?

M: Having a partner to keep you motivated and going is a big help to stay consistent.

R: I agree 🙂

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