Four Ways to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions

Now that the holidays are over, you might have come up with some New Year’s resolutions or you’re thinking of one to implement. A lot of you are probably thinking about “eating healthier.”

You might be tugging at your clothes and feeling “puffy.” You’re tired and getting winded easily just won’t cut it anymore. This year you make a New Year’s Resolution and you are going to reach your goal NO MATTER WHAT. 

We want you to get there too, so here are 4 things to do to make sure you get there:

  1. Break down your resolution into small achievable goals. This will allow you to feel success and motivate you to keep going. Most people who work with us for nutrition coaching have a goal of losing 20+ pounds. Let’s break that down to just 2-4 lbs. per month!
  2. Find an accountability buddy. We all need someone to help keep us on track and to encourage us when we want to quit. If you’re in a relationship, your significant other is a great person to get on board since you two will probably be eating together a lot. If that’s not going to work, getting a friend involved with your new workout routine or sharing meals can also help.
  3. Be positive. If it has been done, there is NO REASON you can’t do it too! Quit telling yourself you can’t and remind yourself that you can and WILL.  You may have set a goal that will take longer than you think- but you can meet your resolution. How would you talk to a friend who told you about their resolution? Be that supportive of yourself.
  4. Record and review. Write down your journey. ( I know this sounds cheesy- but it works) You will have ups and downs so when you are feeling hopeless review your journal. Then appreciate the actions you have taken, value what you have been doing to meet your goal and write down a few things you can focus on until you gain your motivation back.

At the end of the day, your actions will tell how badly you want something. After all, a goal without action is just a wish, right?

 Now, if you need accountability when it comes to nutrition, we are running a partner nutrition challenge for this exact reason. Our normal 3-month nutrition coaching is about $375 and 1-month coaching is $250 – while this 1-month partner challenge is just $119 and starts with an info session on Jan. 18th. We only run a group challenge once or twice a year, so if you’re looking to get involved, email [email protected] and we’ll get you more information.

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