Hotel/Travel Workouts

Travel/Hotel Workouts

These workouts are designed to be done with little or no equipment. If you are in a hotel or a place that has dumbbells (fairly common), then you can take one of these workouts and throw in reps of dumbbell cleans, push presses, deadlifts, thrusters (all done with two arms) or DB snatches (one arm). For instance, instead of the second workout below, you can do 5 rounds for time: 10 push ups, 10 DB deadlifts, 10 squats, and run 200m on a treadmill. Feel free to get creative!

Tabata Interval -Pullups pushups situps squats

Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.

5 rounds for time: 10 push ups, 10 squats, run 200 meters.

Run 400 meters, 20 burpees, 4 rounds.

Run for 10 minutes stopping to do 20 air squats each minute.

100 air squats, 50 push ups, and a 1 mile run.

21-15-9 rep rounds of sit ups, push ups, and air squats.

100 air squats for time.

Run 4X 400M with a 3 minute rest in between.

Run 800 meters. 30 squats and 30 push-ups 5 rounds. “Eva” with no equipment.

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 for time push up, jumping squats. 

30 second handstand and 30 air squats 5 rounds.

Run a 5k as fast as you can!

50 push ups, 50 squats, 50 hollow rocks.

10 hollow rocks, 5 push ups, 10 air squats, 5 rounds for time.

5 sets of 25 air squats.

10 push-ups 10 air squats, and 10 sit ups, 10 rounds.

50 burpees for time.

5 push ups, 5 sit-ups, 10 air squats. 20 rounds.

21-15-9 Burpees / sit up. For Time.

squat 30 seconds, handstand or headstand for 30 seconds. 8 rounds.

Run 1 mile do 100 air squats.

30, 20, 10 jumping squats no weight.

How many air squats can you do in 5 minutes?

Tabata Squats and tabata sit -ups. ( that is 20 seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds.)Take a 2 minute rest in between the squats and the sit-ups.

run 1 mile, then 5 rounds of 25 sit ups, 15 push ups, and 25 air squats.

Tabata push ups. 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. 8 rounds.

100 push-ups, 100 sit ups, 100 air squats. Break it up as needed, just get it done.

5 push ups 5 squats 5 sit ups, 20 rounds.

Sprint 200m and do 25 push ups, 3 rounds.

“Susan” Run 200m 10 squats 10 push ups 5 rounds.

10 push-ups 10 sit ups 10 squats 10 rounds.

Run 1/2 mile 50 air squats -3 rounds.

Invisible Fran…21-15-9 of air squats and push ups for time.

Run 1 mile for time.

10 vertical jumps, 10 push ups, 10 sit ups, 4 rounds…for time.



5 rounds each for time:

25 air squats

15 burpees (to high plank if needed)

Rest 1 minute


7 rounds for quality (not time)

20 banded good mornings

20 banded tricep push downs

Max low plank hold (each round, go for as long as you can)

20 banded curls


5 minutes of :30 on, :30 off

Max push-ups

5 minutes of :30 on, :30 off

Max jumping jacks

5 minutes of :30 on, :30 off

Max sit-ups


100 air squats for time

Every minute on the minute do 5 push-ups


AMRAP in 15 minutes:

20 hollow rocks (modify to ball if needed)

20 banded good mornings

20 lunges (10 each side)

20 supermans


7 rounds for time:

7 air squats

7 burpees


20 rounds for time:

5 push-ups

5 air squats

5 sit-ups


For time:

100 jumping jacks

50 push-ups

25 burpees


15 min. AMRAP:

5 push-ups

10 sit-ups 

15 air squats


For time:

250 air squats


For time





5 rounds for time:

3 tuck jumps

3 air squats

3 broad jumps


10 rounds for time:

10 walking lunges

10 push-ups


5 Burpee object jumps

10 Lying Hands to Feet or Leg Raises

15 Good-mornings (find object to hold)

5 Rounds


20 Mountain Climbers

AMRAP Sit-ups with the remainder

of 2 min.

5 Rounds


Triple Terror

30 Walking Lunges 

60 Lateral object jump-overs

30 Barbell Wipers (use broom stick)

2 Rounds

* Work up to Max Broad Jump


200 m Object Carry (child?)

12 HSPU or Pike Push-up

12 Jumping Air Squats

12 Burpees

12 Sit-up

12 Push-ups

200 m Object Carry

AMRAP 30 min.


400 m Run

10 Deadlift or 10 Good-mornings

15 Air Squats

3 Rounds


10 Jumping Lunges

5 Handstand or Pike Push-up

3 Rounds

25 ft. Bear Crawl

AMRAP 15 min.


Lucky Leprechaun

17 Speed Skaters

17 Push-ups

17 Fast Feet

3 Rounds


4 min. 5 Burpee + 15 sec. Handstand Hold

3 min. Shuttle Runs (20 m.)

2 min. Step-ups

1 min. Elevated Pike Hold or Handstand Hold

2 min. Step-ups

3 min. Shuttle Runs (20 m.)

4 min. 5 Burpee + 15 sec. Handstand Hold


14 Heel Taps

100 m Object Carry 

14 Air Squat or Object Squat

Perform 1 round every 3 min.

5 Rounds



Jumping Air Squats

Kick Backs (double reps)


Partner Workout

25 ft. Bear Crawl

16 Cossack Squats

8 Burpees

6-8 Rounds (each partner)

* I go you go one round each.

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