As a member since Dec. 2018, Ryan started primarily with 1:1 personal training and continued that for years to build a strong foundation of movement and strength. Now, he’s all in for classes and we love to see it! In class, Ryan truly embodies our values of Learning, Working Hard, and Having Fun. For all of those reasons and more, he is our July Member of the Month – Congratulations!
Ryan Codkind
Real Estate/Automotive Operations
When did you start at Kanna?
What are your favorite numbers and why?
12, 28 – Twelve for the month of my birthday which is December and it reminds me each year how thankful I am for my life. 28 is just a lucky number of mine. Probably gonna regret this during the workout.
What movements do you like?
Movements I really enjoy would be deadlift, back squat, bent over rows, KB swings, suitcase carries, sandbag over the shoulder, knee raises, also the dumbell movement forget what its called lol but where you touch it to the ground and then press up. Push press?
What movements do you dislike?
Movements I dislike are definitely rowing, sit ups, running, pushups, inch worms, pull ups. Probably a few more but would have to be in the moment to say I really don’t like doing these.
What sports or fitness things did you do before Kanna?
Kanna was really my first intro into the fitness world. Growing up I was always on the larger side so I was limited to what I could do. I did though try many sports. I did cross country, lacrosse, biking, and tennis.
How did you find Kanna? How did you feel when you first walked in?
I found Kanna through a former member who told me to come join him in a class and give it a shot. I was overwhelmed and I guess nervous since I had zero knowledge of working out and didn’t know where to begin. Chris and the coaches at the time back in 2018 laid out a whole plan on what was gonna take place and that how important it is just to show up. They walked me through the many different movements that took place and ways to accommodate if some were a struggle which I really enjoyed.
What’s your “why” for working out?
Whats my WHY. I would say my why for working out for the most part is losing weight but its also to show myself that I can become a stronger and better person each day. Working out is a challenge for everyone including myself and I can only get better by showing up putting in the time and doing the best I can. I workout because I enjoy it and although it can be overwhelming and present multiple challenges and obstacles I know I can do it no matter what.
What’s your favorite thing about Kanna?
My favorite thing about Kanna is the community. Kanna is a big family and were all there for one another. Nobody judges, nobody singles each other out, when you walk through that door everybody is equal. Sure members are at all different levels but nobody has an ego or is self centered we all have that one thing in common and thats working with those around us and having fun.
What are your hobbies?
Traveling, photography, fishing, and going to car shows.
What’s something most people don’t know about you or a fun fact?
Im a volunteer firefighter with Wissahickon Fire Co that oversees both Ambler and Lower Gwynedd.
What PRs or accomplishments (fitness-related) are you most proud of?
I could write a whole book when it comes to my accomplishments in terms of fitness. Looking back at day one and seeing where I am today I would never believe it. One of my greatest PRs was when I deadlifted 310 for the first time.
What’s on your fitness bucket list?
I don’t have the best upper body strength but I would love to do a pull-up without using a band or any assistance and I would love to do a rope climb.
What’s on your general bucket list?
Definitely visit every state and hopefully take that same goal and visit if not all, then most of the countries across the pond.
What advice do you have for people new to Kanna?
All it takes is that you show up and Kanna will handle the rest. It may seem overwhelming and a lot going on but the great thing about Kanna is that they wont just throw you into the fire. They will take you through an entire training process and guide you during each movement to see where you are in terms of your skills and whats best for the future of your fitness journey.
Anything else you’d like to mention?
Im so happy I found Kanna and I can’t thank Chris, former coach Justin, and the entire team enough for getting me to where I am today with my Fitness journey. Looking forward to the future of Kanna and being apart of this great gym.
***Kanna members: The MOTM custom workout is TBD***
How does one become Member of the Month? By embodying the Kanna ideals of Learning, Working Hard, and Having Fun. By contributing to the community and supporting others in and out of the workout. By being open to coaching and improving oneself for the sake of being better, not to “win” the workout. By just generally being a good person and having a positive attitude. And a lot more, but you get the idea!Post navigation