To say Spike is enthusiastic is an understatement. From the first day he joined, he was all in. Spike is regularly at the top of the monthly check-in leaderboard and was one of (if not the) fastest to reach 250 classes, a milestone that some take years to achieve. He has also gotten involved with our other events such as the Intramural Open, internal and external competitions like Friendsigiving, step challenges, and even rowed for 24 hours with Todd and Coach Hack. Even though he’s only been a member for about 1.5 years, it feels like he’s been here forever. To learn more about Spike, read on!
Spike McNamara
20+ years in the Hardware biz. Do It Best Hardware, Wayne, PA
When did you start at Kanna?
October 2022
What are your favorite numbers and why?
Ugh… Im gonna pay for this! My favorite number is #17. Started with my favorite player on the Flyers when I was a kid, Rod Brind’Amour (#17). I feel like all my other numbers are high numbers… which scares me in this situation, so I will go with the ages of my sons Killian (12) and Finn (8). Seems safer than #121 which was my dad’s badge #.
What movements do you like?
Ok! Sit-ups, Dubs, Box Jump Overs, 200m runs, Rowing, Wall Walks, Pull Ups, Db/Kb snatches, Sandbag “stuff”(cleans over shoulder), Hang Power Cleans (if wrist is cooperating)
What movements do you dislike?
Ooof! Wall Balls, “Longer” runs, Burpees(double digits), Air Bike (high Cals/longer distance) Honestly don’t really dislike any movement… these are just some that really slow me down.
What sports or fitness things did you do before Kanna?
Was always playing sports growing up. Pretty much everything. Baseball was probably my most consistent sport since T ball age. I have played Ice Hockey for the last 15 ish years. I got really into Disc Golf in my 30’s. Tennis is always on the back burner also. Fitness… Ive done the Planet Fitness “thing” in the past, which is ok for a little while, but became boring pretty quickly. We have had ellipticals and stationary bikes at home, which were great while the motivation lasted, but then became clothes hangers.
How did you find Kanna? What was your first workout?
I found Kanna through my old next door neighbor who was/is a crossfit athlete/coach. She was a friend of Chris Plentus and recommended Kanna. The hardest part about coming to so many classes is not being able to remember when a certain WOD was. They start to blend together. Maybe you guys have the history??
What’s your “why” for working out?
I guess I used to always “work out” because I wanted to lose weight. Since starting at Kanna, I hardly get on a scale. I can’t even tell you the last time I weighed myself. I remember Coach Hack telling me in Base Camp to not be surprised if I don’t lose “weight”. I might even gain a little. But “you will look different”. Other than the benefits of feeling happier in your own skin, just about everything else has improved. Working out everyday is amazing for my mental health! I have much less depression and anxiety. All that stuff makes me a better person and a better dad. I come everyday to improve myself, physically, mentally and emotionally. I want to live a long healthy life for my family. I also have to mention my dad. Next year I will be 43, which is the age my dad was when he died in the line of duty back in 2002. This has been a major factor in my fitness journey. My dad was the fittest person I knew. He was a police officer and a drill sergeant in the Army. He was always in shape and made fitness a priority. He was also the best guitar player and artist (drawing, painting) I knew. Fitness was a big part of his life, but did not define him. He was not a drill sergeant or a cop at home. He was a hysterical goofball and an amazing father. I could go on and on…
What’s your favorite thing about Kanna?
I’m going to steal this from a Marvel movie. (Dork) In Thor Ragnarok, they have their home destroyed, but are able to save the people and must find a new home. I’m not going to look up the quote, but it goes something like this: “Ragnarok is not a place. It’s a people.” This is how i feel about Kanna. The facility is amazing with everything we ever need. But that’s not what makes Kanna great. It is the people! From the owner Chris and his family, to the staff, to each and every member, they’re what defines Kanna. I also truly believe that I am being educated during classes. Each coach adds their own piece of the puzzle to provide us with an understanding of every movement we do here. I have NEVER felt lost.
What are your hobbies?
I guess THIS has become my main “hobby”, if I can still consider it a hobby. Even though I don’t do it as often, Disc Golf and Hockey are other somewhat athletic hobbies. I love music! Going to shows is still one of my favorite things. I wish I gave myself more time to play guitar like I have in the past.
What PRs or accomplishments (fitness-related) are you most proud of?
I immediately think of my Running and Rowing assessments. I have always DREADED running in general. Being able to consistently knock my mile time down has felt great. I was extremely happy with my 20 min row assessment! Plus that little 24 hour row thingie… no big deal. HA! Happy to know I can get stronger in my 40’s. Just recently hitting 285# on my Back Squat had me pumped!
What’s on your fitness bucket list?
I would love to make this a permanent fixture for the rest of my life. I want to learn as much as possible and potentially be able to coach and help others some day.
What’s on your general bucket list?
I guess I’m not too much of a bucket list guy. I just wanna stay healthy and watch my boys grow into adults and become great people. They’re already great people.
What advice do you have for people new to Kanna?
If you’re new to Kanna, that means you’re in already. You made the choice to try this out. That’s the largest hurdle! Now settle in, open your ears and your mind and let it happen. Be yourself and you will find out soon enough that you’re never alone at Kanna. You’re going to meet the best people you’ll wind up ever knowing. You’re gonna get fit too, by the way.
Anything else you’d like to mention?
I just want to say Thank You! Oh, and the koolaid is delicious!
***Kanna members: The MOTM custom workout is going to be Sunday 3/10***
How does one become Member of the Month? By embodying the Kanna ideals of Learning, Working Hard, and Having Fun. By contributing to the community and supporting others in and out of the workout. By being open to coaching and improving oneself for the sake of being better, not to “win” the workout. By just generally being a good person and having a positive attitude. And a lot more, but you get the idea!Post navigation