CrossFit Kanna’s December Member of the Month: Molly E.

As we approach the end of the year, it’s our privilege to honor a member who is coming up on her 1 year anniversary: Molly! Although she’s been here less than a year, it feels like she’s been here since the beginning. Anyone that knows Molly can immediately tell she has the biggest heart and is always willing to give, give, and give some more. But when you’re always giving, sometimes you need to take time for yourself! And that’s what Molly did when she found us. She used CrossFit as her “me” time which is exactly what we want people to do. Not only has she excelled physically during our workouts, she also did incredibly well in our spring nutrition challenge. And whenever we have a social event, Molly is there supporting the community even with her busy schedule.

We couldn’t think of a better person to be our last Member of the Month for 2018 – congratulations, Molly!

Molly Ercole

SAHM / Caregiver / PT Communications Manager

When did you start CF?
January 2018

What are your favorite numbers and why?
7, 8, 9 – My husband’s and my birthdays, as well as our wedding anniversary, are in July and our daughter was born August 9th.

What CF movements do you like?
Rowing, wall balls, deadlifts, power cleans, back squats, handstands, farmer carries, KB swings…I could go on for a while 😉

What CF movements do you dislike?
There isn’t anything in particular that I truly dislike – I cringe at workouts with any running/jumping because of a knee injury that prevents me from doing them (and I wish I could!), and there’s a thousand things that I’m still working up to being able to do that I find difficult, but I wouldn’t say I dislike them.

What sports or fitness things did you do before CF?
Running, rowing and spinning

How did you find CF? What was your first workout?
I’m not totally sure how I stumbled on the Kanna website – a friend’s husband was a member for a short time, so I had definitely heard about it before. I was looking for something that was going to force me to make time for myself and give me an outlet. Both my parents were sick and I had recently moved them to PA so I could be more involved in their daily care, and I was feeling overwhelmed. I started base camp right after checking out the box and never looked back. I think my first workout was deadlifts and burpees.

What’s your favorite thing about CF?
I love that every day is a completely different experience, and that there isn’t a single class where I don’t feel like I’m learning something. Working out in a group can be intimidating, but the bottom line at CrossFit is everyone is there to support each other, no matter what your ability level is. The focus is on being better than yesterday, or at least being the best version of yourself THAT day, and that’s all that matters and that people expect from you. The Kanna coaches and community are a huge factor for showing up each day – you want to see your people and work hard with them.

What are your hobbies?
CrossFit (duh), baking, reading, DIYish house projects

What’s something most people don’t know about you?
A few years ago, I won a trip to Mexico on the “Oldies 98 Vacation A Day Giveaway” LOL! I didn’t even hear my name called – an old friend from growing up heard my maiden name called out on the radio and found me on Facebook to let me know – I called within the hour and won!

What PRs or accomplishments are you most proud of?
Breaking 200 for my deadlift, a recent back squat PR…seeing overall lifting numbers go up over the past few months

What’s on your CF bucket list?
Toes to bar, pull ups, handstand walks

What’s on your general bucket list?
Travel more and a tattoo to honor my dad who passed in October

What advice do you have for new (or experienced!) CrossFitters?
Consistency is everything – just keep showing up, as much as life allows. I have gone through weeks or months over the past year where I just couldn’t get here as much as I wanted to – but as long as you keep showing up and chipping away at it, you’ll see progress and soon you’ll be setting new goals for yourself that you likely never thought were possible when you started.

Anything else you’d like to mention?
I never would have joined if it wasn’t for Jill (who I knew from my daughter’s preschool). I saw her Member of the Month profile on the website, and figured if she liked Kanna, it had to be a good place – I am so glad I did! Also, a shout out to my awesome husband, Josh, who is incredibly supportive of the time I spend at Kanna, even when it means waking up with our daughter at 6 AM because I’m at class 🙂

***Kanna members: Molly’s custom workout date TBD***

How does one become Member of the Month? By embodying the mission of CrossFit Kanna of Learning, Working Hard, and Having Fun. By contributing to the community and supporting others in and out of the workout. By being open to coaching and improving oneself for the sake of being better, not to “win” the workout. By just generally being a good person and having a positive attitude. And a lot more, but you get the idea!

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