December Member of the Month – Abbie T.

Abbie Test

7th Grade Social Studies Teacher

When did you start CF?
I think it was June, 2019?

What are your favorite numbers and why?
65 – birth year. I don’t really have any other favorite numbers. I love them all equally.

What CF movements do you like?
R O W I N G , split squats, air squats, bottom of squat hold, farmers carry, Russian KB swings, deadlifts, jumping pullups/chin over bar hold

What CF movements do you dislike?
B U R P E E S – R U N N I N G – W A L L B A L L S

What sports or fitness things did you do before CF?
I rowed in 8th-10th grade in high school but it was like 200 years ago. I wasn’t a superstar, but I loved being out on the water, especially in the early morning. I’ve always liked lifting weights and have done that at the gym – on my own or in classes like Body Pump. I tried to be a runner – ran several 5K’s but decided I actually hate it. I love to ride my bike, however the Echo bike is a violation of my 8th amendment right, which states that cruel and unusual punishment shall not be inflicted. I also have done a lot of dance classes over the years – ballet, flamenco, zumba, even though I have no sense of rhythm and actually got an F in Ballet at Central Connecticut State University.

How did you find CF? What was your first workout?
I guess I must’ve seen it when I went to try ‘Feine. Then my kids got me a gift certificate for Mothers Day, and they took me to breakfast at ‘Feine. My first workout is recorded in a CF journal I kept for a while: M Jun 17 KB SDHP sumo deadlift high pull OH squats. That’s all I wrote. I didn’t even understand what all those words meant.

What’s your favorite thing about CrossFit?
TWO THINGS. #1 The whole group’s success depends upon the well-being of all the individuals, so we need each other to keep going. From the African proverb about Ubuntu: “Ubuntu ngumtu ngabanye abantu” (“A person is a person through other people”). and #2 LEVELS / differentiation / modifications based on ability. The idea that everyone works toward their own goals and everyone’s milestones are celebrated.

What are your hobbies?
Gardening, Traveling to historic sites and museums

What’s something most people don’t know about you?
If I tell you, everyone will know!

What PRs or accomplishments are you most proud of?
I guess I was proud of reaching Orange III on the deadlift. However, I didn’t do it for a long while after that, and next time I deadlifted I learned that if I want to do it again or move on to the next level, I need to work my way back up. WHAT?!?!

What’s on your CF bucket list?
A real pull-up, without using bands.

What’s on your general bucket list?
ROAD TRIP across the US. Spanning several months. I did a 3-month road trip in 1986 or so, and I really want to do it again, visiting family, friends, historic sites and national parks.

What advice do you have for new (or experienced!) CrossFitters?
Don’t ever look around you and think you need to do what other people are doing. You have to work at your own level, get good at your technique before moving forward, and be proud of your own progress. To OLDER PEOPLE – this is your ticket to maintaining your independence, and your freedom to move and stay healthy into your 60’s, 70’s, 80’s 90’s. Strong bones. Flexibility. Mental acuity. Social interactions. Healthy weight. etc etc. It’s not only something you CAN do as an older person – it’s something you SHOULD do.

Anything else you’d like to mention?
I don’t know what you’ll cook up for a work out, but I like the “Abbie Rowed” theme. I wrote that phrase on the wall at the TC Williams High School boathouse in 1981 or 82, during my brief time on the crew team. And I was listening to the Beatles album “Abbey Road” on vinyl back in 1970. There might be some workout ideas in the lyrics of some of those songs. “Boy, you’re gonna carry that weight a long time….” Just an idea. I have to say that I feel exceedingly uncomfortable in the spotlight, but I think it’s good for Kanna, so I will endure. Our message is greater than our fear.

***Kanna members: Abbie’s custom workout will be TBD (obviously)***

How does one become Member of the Month? By embodying the Kanna ideals of Learning, Working Hard, and Having Fun. By contributing to the community and supporting others in and out of the workout. By being open to coaching and improving oneself for the sake of being better, not to “win” the workout. By just generally being a good person and having a positive attitude. And a lot more, but you get the idea!

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