Kat Kalyta
When did you start at Kanna?
December 2018
What are your favorite numbers and why?
4. Thursday is my favorite, which is also a 4th day of the week
What movements do you like?
box jumps, rowing, running, sit-ups, cleans and back squats, air squats
What movements do you dislike?
air biking, burpees if exceed 5 per round π
What sports or fitness things did you do before Kanna?
yoga, running
How did you find Kanna? What was your first workout?
I googled “CrossFit near me” and was ecstatic to find Kanna was a walking distance from my house. I remember my first workout involved sit-ups and box jumping. I had to walk backwards down the steps for two days. My thighs hurt so bad.
What’s your “why” for working out?
overall fitness and health
What’s your favorite thing about Kanna?
our community!!!
What are your hobbies?
reading, hiking, visiting new places, ecology
What’s something most people don’t know about you?
My husband and I are bee keepers (some people already know about it)
What PRs or accomplishments (fitness-related) are you most proud of?
I am proud of being consistent and showing up for workouts.
What’s on your fitness bucket list?
pull-ups, and better mobility/flexibility
What’s on your general bucket list?
Visiting all National Parks in the US. We’ve been to 24 so far
What advice do you have for people new to Kanna?
don’t compare yourself to anyone else. Just do honest workout. It’s for you, nobody else.
Anything else you’d like to mention?
I love Kanna and am very happy to be part of this community.
***Kanna members: The MOTM custom workout is TBD***
How does one become Member of the Month? By embodying the Kanna ideals of Learning, Working Hard, and Having Fun. By contributing to the community and supporting others in and out of the workout. By being open to coaching and improving oneself for the sake of being better, not to βwinβ the workout. By just generally being a good person and having a positive attitude. And a lot more, but you get the idea!