Nick Jordal
Manager at Vanguard
When did you start CF?
August 2018
What are your favorite numbers and why?
2 – soccer number; 1, 22 – My son’s birthday
What CF movements do you like?
Double Unders, Kipping pull ups, Toes to Bar, Handstand push ups, Hang cleans, Burpees over bar
What CF movements do you dislike?
Bike, Bike, Bike
What sports or fitness things did you do before CF?
Played soccer my whole life including mens leagues. Cross country and track in high school
How did you find CF? What was your first workout?
I work with Kristin Plentus at Vanguard and she talked to me about CF Thermal. I bought a punch card. I don’t remember my first work out, but I remember someone saying it was an Open prep workout which apparently would be harder
What’s your favorite thing about CF?
A lot. Love not having to think about what I am going to do and just come in and get your butt kicked. Love getting better at certain movements. Love the mental toughness aspect of it and fighting through a workout that I wanted to quit in round 1.
What are your hobbies?
Golf is what I want to do any time I can but still not often enough
What’s something most people don’t know about you?
Thousands of things. I am really introverted so I keep probably too much to myself
What PRs or accomplishments are you most proud of?
Refusing to stop trying after getting time capped in a workout and finally getting the 25 dubs in a row; 8 hand stand push ups for the level method; 70 cals on the bike (2 rounds of 35) in a workout that I would have never even showed up for in the past
What’s on your CF bucket list?
Bar muscle ups; ring muscle ups; handstand walks
What’s on your general bucket list?
Yosemite half dome hike; Bandon Dunes golf trip
What advice do you have for new (or experienced!) CrossFitters?
For the new crossfitter, I would say that everyone doing the workout is hurting and has thoughts that they aren’t going to be able to finish. You are not alone, just keep going and no matter the result, come back tomorrow!
***Kanna members: Nick’s custom workout will be TBD (obviously)***
How does one become Member of the Month? By embodying the Kanna ideals of Learning, Working Hard, and Having Fun. By contributing to the community and supporting others in and out of the workout. By being open to coaching and improving oneself for the sake of being better, not to “win” the workout. By just generally being a good person and having a positive attitude. And a lot more, but you get the idea!