Kanna Fitness October Member of the Month – Todd V.

“Strong and silent type” is one way to describe our newest Member of the Month, Todd Vollrath. But you could also say “dedicated,” (he joined in July 2022 and has already been to 330+ classes); “coachable” (he’s always open to feedback and uses that to improve his form); and “unafraid” (he’s already put himself out there by competing in several internal competitions like the Open and the Main Event.) Most recently, he participated in our STEPtember walking challenge and managed to walk 689,137 steps in just one month. (over 10 miles a day!) To learn more about Todd, read his bio below:


Todd Vollrath



When did you start at Kanna?

July 2022

What are your favorite numbers and why?

5 and 9, Donovan Mcnabb and Nick Foles jersey numbers

What movements do you like?

I like them all, barbell stuff, gymnastics, cardio, they all have there benefits. Long 20- 30 min wods or long brutal hero wods or that 1776 wod this year, anything that makes me second guess myself halfway through the workout.

What movements do you dislike?

Not a fan of man makers

What sports or fitness things did you do before Kanna?

As a kid I played baseball, basketball, and was on a swim team. In high school I was on the volleyball team.

How did you find Kanna? What was your first workout?

Google, first gym that popped up in my area. Back squats, lunges, air squats, and sit-ups July 14th

What’s your “why” for working out? 

Self improvement, fat loss, muscle building, long term health, mobility

What’s your favorite thing about Kanna?

I never leave feeling like I didn’t get enough out of my hour spent there.

What are your hobbies?

Running, hiking, disc golf, kayaking, Eagles fan, Phillies fan and 76ers fan

What’s something most people don’t know about you?

Strongly dislikes eating seafood.

What PRs or accomplishments (fitness-related) are you most proud of?

Bar muscle ups, handstand push-ups, double under progression, 6:28 mile run

What’s on your fitness bucket list?

Ring muscle up, heavier lifts

What’s on your general bucket list?

Visit all the national parks

What advice do you have for people new to Kanna?

Just keep showing up and try new things, you never know what you’ll be good at if you don’t try. Keep the main thing, the main thing.

Anything else you’d like to mention?

Thanks to all the coaches for all your support and motivation.

***Kanna members: The MOTM custom workout is TBD***

How does one become Member of the Month? By embodying the Kanna ideals of Learning, Working Hard, and Having Fun. By contributing to the community and supporting others in and out of the workout. By being open to coaching and improving oneself for the sake of being better, not to “win” the workout. By just generally being a good person and having a positive attitude. And a lot more, but you get the idea!

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