October Member of the Month – Hillary E.

Hillary Eisenman

Elementary School Music Teacher (General Music, Chorus, Drama Club)

When did you start Kanna?
June 2021

What are your favorite numbers and why?
08, 11, and 17 because those are my children’s birth years. I also like 25 and 27 because those are Sasha and my birth dates. We are 2 days apart, born in the same month and year.

What CF movements do you like?

200 and 400 meter runs, sit-ups, hollow holds, Turkish get-ups (sorry I do really like them), back squats, front squats, Bulgarian split squats, ring rows, bear crawls, jump rope, and rowing

What CF movements do you dislike?

Wall Balls and Cleans

What sports or fitness things did you do before CF?
Yoga, Pilates, HIIT, jogging

How did you find Kanna? What was your first workout?
Sasha found it years ago. Once my kids were a little older I finally tried it myself.

What’s your favorite thing about Kanna?
The welcoming atmosphere, the down-to-earth and nice people that come, the kanna book club, and of course… the fitness. I feel stronger and more able to do things now than I ever have before.

What are your hobbies?

Singing, being in nature, chatting with friends, reading books, seeing musicals and music performances, watching Marvel and Star Wars movies and shows with my kids

What’s something most people don’t know about you?
I am completely comfortable singing in front of a large audience, but I prefer no one watch me while I work out… or at least pretend they are not looking 🙂

What PRs or accomplishments are you most proud of?

Rowing assessment! I got brown!

What’s on your Fitness bucket list?

To have good form on everything. Toes to bar and an unassisted pull-up would be great too!

What’s on your general bucket list?

Sing more, meditate more, take fine art classes

What advice do you have for new (or experienced!) CrossFitters?
Kanna is a place for everyone! Anybody and any body type can move and get stronger there!

***Kanna members: Hillary’s custom workout will be October 29th***

How does one become Member of the Month? By embodying the Kanna ideals of Learning, Working Hard, and Having Fun. By contributing to the community and supporting others in and out of the workout. By being open to coaching and improving oneself for the sake of being better, not to “win” the workout. By just generally being a good person and having a positive attitude. And a lot more, but you get the idea!

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